Edison and Ford Winter Estates
Visitors to the Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers will enjoy seeing the winter residences of famous innovators Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Explore the botanical garden, Edison’s laboratory and iconic Banyan and Mysore Fig Trees. (I was married under the Mysore Fig Tree on the Caloosahatchee River!)

Burroughs Home and Gardens
Step back in time to the year 1901 and learn about life in Fort Myers more than a century ago. The Burroughs Home, located in the downtown River District in Fort Myers, is the only home of its time still standing in its original location and open to the public.

Southwest Florida Historical Society
The Southwest Florida Historical Society (SWFLHS) was established in 1960 by a group of citizens to “preserve the history of our area.” Each month the SWFLHS has a featured historical display in the entrance lobby to the Society. These displays may feature a local pioneering family, business or legal records. It is open to the public at no charge during our hours of operation.
The Mound House
Visit this historical landmark on Fort Myers Beach and learn about the customs of the Calusa Indians who lived on this unique archaeological site that sits atop a 2,000 year-old shell mound. You will find plenty to do…from guided tours, beach walks, kayak eco-tours, and a unique archaeological experience, you’ll explore the history of the 2,000 year old Calusa Indian Shell Mound and the surrounding natural environment.
Dean Park Historic District
Dean Park, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Fort Myers. In 2013, Dean Park was named to the National Register of Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the Interior. This followed an intensive approval process under that also included endorsement and approval of this status by the Fort Myers City Council and the State of Florida.