Photo of damaged roof after a storm hit the home with text saying "Tough Decisions: After the Storm"

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Hurricane Damaged Florida Home

If a hurricane has damaged your home, then you might have a lot of questions about whether you should restore, rebuild, or sell it how it is.

It is important to know what’s your next move after getting hit by a natural disaster. Sometimes restoring your damaged home might cost you more than your estimates are.

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Hurricane-damaged Home Calculator

I have a calculator that you can use for free and it will help you get all of those thoughts on paper and make a rational decision that will get you the outcome you want. It asks you about the value pre-hurricane, the lot value of your insurance settlement, and how much it’s going to cost in order to fix it up.

The 50% Rule

It has the 50% rule that comes into play. If you don’t know what the rule is all about, you can ask me. The calculator talks about trends in the neighborhood and it’s super simple.

You just need to put the information in and on the second page it tells you ultimately you will be X number of dollars better off if you choose to blank, but it will take blank months and your personal time and energy.

So this is going to put it in black and white and tell you some more information to help you make an informed decision. Real estate agents, if you want this calculator, anybody, whether you’re my client or not, if you want this calculator, it is free for you to have.

Home flooding could be a very distressing situation. Unfortunately, it’s also a stressful period for making crucial financial decisions. Should you sell and relocate, stay and rebuild, or renovate? These are particularly difficult choices because, even in the absence of a calamity, everyone is prone to biased thought patterns.

You may now make a selection based on the hurricane calculator I’ve shown you. You may now consider the benefits and drawbacks of both options before deciding whether to sell and move or stay and rebuild.

 If you want to learn more real estate tips, from buying and selling homes to home maintenance guides, stay updated by clicking here to see more of our blog posts.