WP Photo of blog post about moving from your dream home for practical reasons.

I Got Tired of Living in My Car

I was sick and tired of living in my car and I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I had to hit that perfect time frame in the morning, or else I would get stuck in traffic for a long time. To make things worse, there are a lot of car accidents here and there that just add up to my overall travel time.

With the kids being in extracurricular activities once they got into middle school, I couldn’t make it home and then back into town for their nighttime activities. As a result, I had to kill time, going to Target, going out to eat every night, and just lots of bickering in the car.

I couldn’t live that lifestyle so I left my dream home and moved into a track home. Despite not being my dream home, it is practical to live in it. I’m just ten minutes away from school. And for that reason, it will be my temporary eight-year plan, and I’ll be planning on making a move by then.

Summing up, moving isn’t always because you found your dream home, it could be for various reasons. But moving to a new home has removed the feeling of just living in my car due to the taxing daily commute and has given me more time to be with my family.

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