Category: buyer advice

Change of Address Checklist

Packing and unpacking are only two parts of the changing of address/moving process. While relocating to a new address is a super exciting activity, it involves hours of communication, coordination, and preparation with multiple services, organizations, and companies for a successful transfer. The critical duty of updating your information on multiple platforms is one of […]

Buying a Fixer-Upper

Today’s housing market is challenging for buyers to navigate. 57% of home buyers would make the sacrifice of buying a fixer-upper to stick to their budgets. Why? Not only is there a very limited number of homes on the market, but property values have soared nationally, making it more difficult than ever to find an […]

What’s the Best Mortgage Type?

If you’re in the process of purchasing a new home, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is choosing the right type of mortgage. There are several different types of mortgages available, each with its own set of terms and features. Here is a comparison of the different types of mortgages available: Fixed-rate […]